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X‑Noize are a Psy‑Trance group from Israel, Israel is home to many of the biggest Psy‑Trance acts on the planet, Barak Argaman & Nadav Bonen have already gained themselves a reputation for their outstanding production, infectious grooves and hypnotic melodies which has earned them the respect of their peers and acquired them the appreciation of a global audience. Their debut album 'Mental notes' has been widely acclaimed as a breath of fresh air. Signed to the world renowned HOMmega label and management agency, X‑noiZe are now busy touring the world and working hard in the studio on their 2nd album.

==External links==

Описание исполнителя
предоставлено сервисом last.fm


Psychedelic Lover 2 2007
Поделился: astarot


The Beach 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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