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Rangeklods is the incorrect spelling of the artist Rangleklods.

During the last year the now Copenhagen based Dane Rangleklods has created a name for
himself in the underground milieus of Berlin, Aarhus and Copenhagen trough his tireless and
intense electronic live performances. Rangleklods' music captures audiences by seeing past
conventions regarding genre and good/bad taste, simply giving in to the subconscious will of
creative impulses and by understanding the playful utilization of the computer and its unreachable
limits as a musical instrument. The dance encouraging compositions unites a high sense of
melody with sound experiments conveyed by a charismatically deep but encompassing voice,
creating an absorbing universe that dares to speak directly to the emotions of the listener.

The work was initially sketched out in home country Denmark, but became greatly colored by
moving base to Berlin in early 2010 where routines were forgotten and the vast and eclectic scene
sought out. Rangleklods's sound consists of recorded instruments and analogue gear alongside
purely digital and intensely programmed patterns intertwining into audioscapes ranging from
Minimal Techno to 60's style 'Wall of Sound'. Both in that regard and composition‑wise
Rangleklods points just as much backwards towards Pet Sounds and Doors as it does forwards,
animated by such artists as James Holden and The Field.

During concerts Rangleklods breaks out of the stereotypical notion of the laptop concert by doing
as much live as possible; singing, playing instruments and using various controllers (ie. a home
built distance sensor box). The object is to lose total control and take chances to such a degree
that mistakes – and how to constructively deal with them – often lurk around the corner, making
the concerts better and more acute for the audience as well as Rangleklods. In this aspect the live
performances separates themselves very much from the actual…читать далее ↓

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SugarFree & Broondulyak / KEEP OR DELETE / 15 2012
Поделился: SugarFree

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