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Private is a band from Denmark, formed by Thomas Troelsen, Asger Tarpgaard and Tanja Simonsen — three members from the band Superheroes, which split up in 2006.

In August 2007, Private released their first single «My Secret Lover» from their debut album of the same name (My Secret Lover) that was released in Denmark on October 8th, 2007. It became a #1 hit single in their home country, and the album has the following other singles (in chronological order): «Crucify My Heart», «We Got Some Breaking Up To Do» and «Killer On The Dancefloor».

The band has a blog on their official website, www.weareprivate.com.

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Dance Chart Vol. 21 CD#2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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