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ccc, a.k.a. Chris Shaw. is a British Mash‑Up artist, concentrating mainly, but not exclusively, on remixing Beatles material.

He has released a number of internet only albums and compilations, including; Revolved (2005), Sweetest Apples (2006) and Cracked Pepper (2007) with ill chemist.

Chris is also one half of the Albanian trio Giovanni and Sebastian and was responsible for the internationally reported Tunbridge Wells Monkey Man super hero hoax.

«Cracked pepper» was made available for download on 19th June 2007 and can be found here http://www.cracked‑pepper.blogspot.com/

A number of his mashups are available here: http://www.mashups.blogspot.com

More on ccc here: http://twentyq.blogspot.com/2004/09/ccc.html

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Hands Up Hypes Vol. 5 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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