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Go Home Productions


Mark Vidler (aka Go Home Productions, aka GHP) is a Watford, UK‑based dj who has spent the best part of 2 and a half years producing Bootleg mash‑ups and Remixes that have achieved a fair degree of worldwide notoriety.

GHP creations have pretty much been heard everywhere. Championed in 2002 by XFM's 'The Remix' and 'Rinse' shows with tracks played most weeks of the year.
In 2003 Mark produced a 30 minute 'superchunk' mix that won best session on XFM and also a 1hr 'Remixology' set for New Yorks WFMU that won plaudits everywhere.

Has worked with MTV Mash on their weekly bootleg video show and produced several tracks that received heavy rotation
all over Europe. Emaps QTV also created a selection of 'mashed' videos for various GHP mixes that have been broadcast regularly for the past 2 years.

Official Site

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Best of Bootie 2006 2006
Поделился: astarot

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