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Stacy Lattisaw (born November 25, 1966 in Washington, D. C.) is an American R&B and dance music singer.

She recorded her first album at the age of twelve, and has scored 22 R&B chart hits. Her first album, produced, arranged, and conducted by Van McCoy, featured the highly‑orchestrated disco tune When You're Young And In Love.

She is best known for her two biggest Hot 100 songs: «Let Me Be Your Angel» (#21 in 1980) and «Love On A Two‑Way Street» (#26 in 1981).

In 1980, she went to #1 on the Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart with «Dynamite!» / «Jump To the Beat.» Her other big dance chart hits include «Nail It To the Wall» (#2 in 1986) and «Jump Into My Life» (#3 in 1987). Stacy also scored hits with her childhood friend, the singer, Johnny Gill.

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Disco Giants 3 CD#2 2008
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