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Kathryn Calder


Kathryn Calder is one of those artists who belies her age. She began her professional music career as a teenager, and by the time that most people are just stepping into their first independent record store, she had recorded 2 EPS and 4 CDs with the Victoria based Immaculate Machine, and toured the world and recorded three albums as the newest member of The New Pornographers.

She has experienced the whole spectrum of what a musician’s life can be, from playing in the corner of the local bar for a small group of friends, to playing in front of 40,000 screaming fans at prestigious festivals such as Coachella and Glastonbury. She has appeared on national television numerous times, but still takes the time to personally reply to fans on her Facebook page. She’s also moonlighted on other artist’s albums from The Pink Mountaintops to Neko Case’s Grammy nominated ‘Middle Cyclone.’ It seems as if she’s done it all. Yet the one frontier she has never embarked on — until now — is having the spotlight solely on her.

Recorded at her mother’s house in Victoria BC, ‘Are you my Mother?’ is one of 2010’s most innovative releases. It is a deeply personal record that was largely born through two years of Kathryn caring for her terminally ill mother. Yet the songs on “Are you my mother?’ are universal in their tone because the record relates to so many facets of all our lives. This is NOT a eulogy. Rather, it is a statement that life is a mixed bag, and that without losing things you would never know to cherish them. Yes there are songs of loss on ‘Are you my mother?’, yet there are also songs of love, friendship, and whimsy. It is a beguiling album, that — because of the wisdom and experience communicated by her voice — gives the illusion of being written by someone in the twilight of their years, while at the same time it expresses the excitement and wonder of a young woman who is just…читать далее ↓

Описание исполнителя
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Bright And Vivid 2011
Поделилась: Lusen
Are You My Mother 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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