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“John Dirne” produced about 125 Top 100 quotations and 7 Top 10 hits for others. In the year 2004 he decided to appear before the footlights himself.

John Dirne changed his name into “John Marks” and he developed into a much wanted phenomenon in the Club scenes at national level and international level. John Marks` musical style can be described as Club Trance. Many weeks before its release, his debut single “Tracking” with matching music video, was bombarded Dance Alert on The Box and reached a promising position in the Mega Top 100. This track appeared on the play lists of Radio 538 and TMF for a considerable time.

Its successor “Don’t stop” is supported by a spectacular music video shot in Turkey. An unique detail is that pretty well all 12 contestants for the Miss Netherlands elections, as well as Miss Netherlands, played a part in this clip! For a considerable period of time “Don’t stop” was on the rotation lists of various radio stations like TMF, The Box and Radio 538. This track even reached a promising position in the Mega Top 100.

With his 3rd single “Update” John Marks returned to his roots. The “Tracking Drive” was back! But “Update” reached further than all his previous singles did and becomes Dancesmash (Radio 538) as well as Grandslam (Slam FM). ”Update” attained high positions in various international dance lists. It is still used as the major Floorfiller by many Club DJ’s.

His 4th single “Do it again” comprised a Ron van den Beuken remix and especially by this it was a major success on the vinyl market. In the accessory clip John Marks was accompanied by all Miss Universe 2005 contestants. “Do it Again” put John Marks on the map internationally.

In 2006 John Marks produced a number of international hits for and with others. In co‑operation with Roy Gates he produced the successful track…читать далее ↓

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Electric Paranoya vol.3 2007
Поделился: astarot


Best Of Dance 2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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