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Team‑X originally comes from the Netherlands. John Dirne and Roy Poortsmans are working together since 1998 under the name Team‑X. They produced songs for Dj Galaga, Level 2 & Dexx, Oliviya and more. “Clap your hands” is the name of their first song. This song wasn’t brought out on Single, but some collection boxes contained this song. In 2004 John and Roy asked the German producer Max Jensen to work for a new song. This became “Your Smile”. The original came from Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo which scored a 2nd place in the Dutch Top 40 in 1996.

Songs of Team‑X

Your Smile – 2004
Pump Up – 2005
X‑Vision – 2006

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Tuning Hitz CD#1 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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