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Blind Ego 


In the year 2005, after having released five albums with his current main band RPWL, guitarist Kalle Wallner decided that time was high to write down his own story...

Many friends were enthusiastic about this idea and contributed great musical spirit to this project: John Jowitt, Tommy Eberhardt, Paul Wrightson, John Mitchell and many more. In cooperation with his RPWL mate Yogi Lang Kalle Wallner produced the album MIRROR in their own Farmlands studios. Release date was in 2007.

Now after only two years Kalle Wallner finished his second album called «Numb» which is out on 3rd of April 2009. The European tour starts at the end of April.

Описание исполнителя
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The Art Of Sysyphus Vol.39 2007
Поделился: astarot

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