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Язык: Английский

Slender: The Eight Pages v0.9.7

PC , Adventure, Action, 3D‑бродилки, 3rd Person


Год выпуска: 2012
Жанр: Indie-horror
Разработчик: Parsec Production
Издательство: Parsec Production
Платформа: PC
Версия: Beta v0.9.7
Тип издания: Лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский
Язык озвучки: отсутствует
Таблэтка: Не требуется Описание:
Slender - страшная бродилка о монстре под названием "Slender Man", который похищает людей по всему миру! Он высокий и очень худой, всегда носит черный костюм с белой рубашкой и галстуком. Его руки гнутся в любом месте, не имеют суставов и могут удлиняться. У него нет лица.





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* Added a subtitle to the game ("The Eight Pages") to differentiate it from future versions.
* Improved main menu and added music to it. Also now includes links to Slender Man info and YouTube series.
* Added different light sources (unlocked after beating the game once).
* Added shadows (not especially noticeable except in lit areas).
* Your jogging speed now increases gradually as more pages are collected.
* Removed the cooldown for stamina recovery after jogging/sprinting, and reduced the stamina drain rate. When
you start jogging/sprinting, however, it immediately deducts 5% of your stamina. This will allow you to jog or
sprint for a much longer period of time, but makes repeated taps of the jog/sprint button cause your stamina
to drain very quickly (effectively getting rid of a former exploit).
* The maximum distance you can see decreases as you collect more pages; this is to keep the challenge similar
for people who have fog turned off. For the same reason, Distance Shade can no longer be turned off.
* Added a menu option to automatically skip the intro.
* Added a pause feature, but you can only pause if there's no static (which prevents you from pausing the game
in response to seeing the Slender Man).
* Fixed a bug where the flashlight would try to illuminate a page on the other side of a wall.
* Removed one of the hidden modes (it was only a matter of time, since it contained copyrighted material).



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MelleniuM, А мне норм

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Trollface‑PRO, любитель хрени


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