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Being brought up listening to Eurodance/ Euro‑pop/ Italo disco and as well as being born in Europe, Young Fire was inspired by European artists such as Modern Talking, ABBA, Bad Boys Blue, Lime, FR David, Secret Service, Fancy, Ken Laszlo, Sandra, Joy, Andy Borg, DJ Quinto Rocco, also Leandro & Leonardo, and The Bee Gees whom all inspired «Young Fire» to write music.

Today Young Fire writes, produces, composes, and arranges music for them and artists who they produce today with their graduated knowledge of recording engineers. Until this very day, Young Fire is still taking steps to higher levels, accomplishing these one by one, and burning throughout them all!

Young Fire's recently celebrated their 20th anniversary in April 2007 and they would like to thank their family, friends, fans, and of course their family members who are no longer here with them but in a better place. Young Fire also has a strong belief in that it’s not about making it, it’s how it’s made! Young Fire would also like to thank their dear friend, Jack Sebastiao who helped them through 16 years of not only being a friend as he was a great person who gave them the best advice possible but most importantly, being like Young Fire’s big brother. He is missed dearly and R.I.P. to all who is not with us anymore. «Live 2 love music and Love 2 live music», Young Fire.

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Young Fire — Euro Fire 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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