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Style: Melodic Metal
Tags: female‑fronted; metal from Finland; soprano singer; conceptual metal band; melodic metal
Country: Suomi Finland, Tampere
Year of band's birth: 2006

Villieläin is a Finnish rock band that combines classical vocals, heavy metal riffs and industrial type sounds in their music. Their lyrics are dark and gloomy like the original Grimm brothers’ fairytales. The band’s story is set in a distant future where five outcasts of the last remaining humans come together and become a wild animal: Villieläin. The songs of Villieläin tell tales about the deepest humane thoughts and feelings – love, revenge, death and hate.

The story of Villieläin is one of a time that does not yet exist – a time that never should come.

The music of Villieläin takes the listener to a destroyed world of the future where only deepest humane feelings prevail. The lead vocalist of the band is captivating coloratura soprano Nemilia.
The first band's recording was Promo CD (Demo 2006), which contained 3 songs (Narhaluulot, Kuningatar, Vastatuuli). The first single from the band’s debut album is called Kaiverrettu hiekkaan (Engraved In Sand). The album Julma satu (Cruel Fairytale) will be released at 19.08.2009.

Current line‑up:

Emilia «Nemilia» Rantasalo — vocals
Jani Hölli — keyboards
Timo «Tinke» Niemistö — guitar
Dimmu — bass
Mikael «Miguel» Hakamies — drums

Former members:

Janne Juutinen — Drums

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Julma Satu 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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