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Nils Karsten was born in Hamburg in 1972. Already in the age of 2 years his musical talent stood out so that Nils could already attend many schools of music until its sixth year of life. During the following 12 years with classic piano lessons Nils attained many awards and 1st prices of «youth plays instruments» on regional and Federal level. Since the impulse grew to be able to play instruments still more with others, parallel to the piano lessons Nils started with trumpet lessons for the next 7 years at the State Opera of Hamburg in the age of 10 years.
This background of both instruments made it possible for Nils to be in different philharmonic orchestras and in many bands parallel as a Keyboarder or trumpets player actively. With this his know how regarding to pop music grew and from the drummers of the bands moreover he learned in addition to play the drums as a third instrument.

In the year 1988 Nils started for the first time with the production of own songs in the studio. The recording of his first CD with the band «The Spank» inspired Nils to build up a studio of his own and still to get active more and more also as a song writer. The working with studio hard- and software Nils could obtain by its activity of several years in the biggest music store in North Germany (Amptown) and at Steinberg.

Greater challenges and the cooperation with different artists followed first projects like the production of different advertising musics for Smileys, restaurants or magazines of the Jahreszeitenverlag.
By itself for the Jahreszeitenverlag Nils composed and produced over 40 songs for fashion videos of the women's magazine Petra. It shows parts of many fashion shows from Milan, Paris and New York of world‑famous designers like Joop, Versace, D & G, Prada and many more. Nils awarded his Trumpetsound to various cinema and TV advertisement like Dr. Oetker, Cinemaxx or Nivea. Last commercial got even the golden nail on the ADC.

Nils 6 years work…читать далее ↓

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Spring Break Dance Party 2008 CD#2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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