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Поделиться альбомом

Triskèle is a Pagan Black Metal project from Quebec.
Formed in 2002 on Abhore records and is currently still active. Lyrical themes include Nature, Depression, Winter, and Heritage.

So far Triskèle has released 3 full‑length albums.
Les Murmures De La Forêt in 2003, Origines in 2004, and Triade Nordique was released in the first quarter of 2008.

Current Members are:
Skogen (Dave Jobin) — Guitars, Triangle, Vocals (Nord (Can), Boréal)
Morghul — Percussion
Eric Hebert — Bass


Описание исполнителя
предоставлено сервисом last.fm


Triskele — Triade Nordique (2008) 2008
Поделился: Shur86

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