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1. Noizmakaz crew. They released their debut LP Social Poetry back in 2000, followed by Valitud Mõtted (Chosen Thoughts) in 2006, E‑P (Mo‑Su) in 2007 and a 10th anniversary compilation Dekaliiter in 2008 (all released independently).

Tommyboy has released two solo albums,? MC (Umblu, 2004) and Suur Pilt (“The big picture” independently, 2006). He was behind the release of an Estonian rap compilation Magnetofon in 2006 and is also a member of jazz‑ensemble Külalised, who released their self‑titled debut in late 2008.

2. Tommyboy is a DJ/VJ from Dallas, Texas. Former member of the Transexformers Sound System and founding member of Loose Id Studios. His sound is derived from a deep appreciation for nostalgic dance culture. His mixes focus on obscure disco, new wave, and bass music with special attention to the grey areas in between.

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Dance Power 16 CD#3 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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