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Q: Who Are The Sorry Kisses?
A: The Sorry Kisses are Hayley Hutchinson & Sam Forrest. Both are established popular music artists in their own right. They’re nice. You’d like ‘em. Hayley has made a clutch of bewitchingly beautiful folk‑country LPs and has a voice like ringing a bell. Sam put out some insane underground acid‑folk LP last year (“Paper Crown”), and made a buncha great alt. rock records with Nine Black Alps. They’re both ridiculously prolific, and to be honest you’d have to be some sorta freak to keep up with all the music they put out. Sweet kids. I guess they’re kinda like Donny & Marie Osmond, only not as creepy and wrong. Or siblings.

Q: Where Are The Sorry Kisses?
A: The Sorry Kisses pretty much live in the sticks. North Yorkshire way. They’ve got a sweet little tumbledown cottage up there. It’s nice. You’d like it. Somewhere out back they’ve got an annex where they’ve put together this home studio. They call it The Factory Of Unprofessional Sound. All their stuff is done there. I guess it’s like wherever Donny & Marie Osmond recorded all their stuff, only not as Mormon.

Q: What Sort Of Sounds Do The Sorry Kisses Make?
A: “Keep Smiling” is the third SK album to be released on their own Desert Mine Music label. The early SK sound was characterised by woozy, mellifluous folk‑rock, dreamy big‑sky country music and crunchier grunge‑pop; favourable comparisons were made with the early Slumberland roster, the C86 scene, The Lemonheads etc. Nice sorta sound. You’d like it. Occasionally The SK’s would dial up the ROCK, edging towards a speaker‑rattling attack more akin to the heavier material of The Breeders, Hole, PJ Harvey yadda yadda. And you’d think: “huh. This is great. They should do a whole LP of this.”

Q: Have They Done A Whole LP Of This?
A: Well, pretty much...yeah. Sure, the melodies, the pop sensibilities,…читать далее ↓

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Keep Smiling 2011
Поделилась: Lusen

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