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The Reggae Revolution

Рэгги, Поп

THE REGGAE REVOLUTION are the best Live, touring & Recording Reggae act to come out of the U.K. They have backed artists such as APACHE INDIAN, MUSICAL YOUTH & PATO BANTON. You can «BUY» their soon to be released new album entitled «GHETTO CRY»

online at:

or go to:

Once logged onto PulseRated.com if you scroll down to Artist Bio, then click on where it says “Music”(11) you will find 11 tracks to download from… or you can BUY all 11 tracks.

You can also check them out on: www.myspace.com/reggaerevolution

Описание исполнителя
предоставлено сервисом last.fm


Pure Pop CD#1 2007
Поделилась: Lusen

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