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The Phantom Band are scottish proto‑robofolk band from Glasgow. Members: Duncan De Cornell (Guitars & Fast Cars) Gerrard «Hartbreak» Harvard (Bass & Big Business) Andrew T Oxford (Keyboards & Cheeseboards) «Richard The Turd» Princeton (Harmonies & Libraries) Damien Duke Stanford (Drums & The Law) and Greg Yale (Pedals, Gold Medals, Banjos & ASBO's). The Phantom Band are known for their elusive tendencies, for instance by continually changing their name for each gig or release and by appearing in disguise. Wooden Trees, Robert Louis Stevenson, Tower of Girls and Robert Redford are some of the band's previous incarnations. The fact that the band member names listed on various websites, including their own MySpace page, are all high‑class educational institutions suggests that they are indeed monikers.

Their debut album Checkmate Savage is coming out on 26th January 2009 on Chemikal Underground Records and are touring this album from mid Feb — check the MySpace to see when they are in your area.


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The Wants 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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