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Al Kent was born Ewan Kelly in late '60s Glasgow where his introduction to music came early with gifts of kids' albums from his record loving dad. He helped himself to piles of his dad's records too, which were probably rubbish, but to his young ears they were ace. It was the vinyl as much as the music he loved. Soon he was taping stuff off the radio, making little compilations, and buying his own records. The weekly shopping trip to Tesco's always meant a cheeky half hour in the record department while the rest of the family stocked up on washing powder and cat food.

On one such trip he found an album called «20 Mod Classics» on a label he didn't know called «Tamla Motown». It took a couple of listens, but he was soon in love with songs by the likes of Marvin Gaye, The Miracles, The Temptations and The Marvelettes. The fact that the coolest guy in school, the guy with the best records, asked to see it and gave it his seal of approval only made it more of a discovery. And so, his love affair with «black music» began.

A few years later he began meeting other people who loved this music too, except they called it northern soul. And it wasn't just Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder, it was Steve Mancha, Al Kent, Linda Griner, Darrell Banks — people he'd never heard of in his life. And these guys could dance!!

Around the age of fifteen, for some unknown reason, he and some friends hired a local community hall and a set of turntables and put on a party. Not surprisingly, it wasn't well attended, but the few people who did show up actually danced to the records he was playing. So he was a DJ now! The occasional community centre parties continued over the next few years while Ewan made his way around the country attending all nighters and spending way too much money on records and stuff.

At the age of eighteen he actually got asked to play in a real club. And got paid! Amazing. More money for records then. And the community…читать далее ↓

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Promo Only Underground Club October 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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