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There are plenty of artists with this name, which may come from the science fiction tale «Brave New World» by Aldous Huxley. Soma is the drug citizens take in a fascist future to keep themselves feeling nice & politcally sedate. Mr. Huxley, in turn, takes the name from a legendary visionary drug taken by the priests of Zoroaster, whose make‑up is now lost. You can see why it's such a popular band name.

1) Soma is an instrumental, electronic/organic project featuring the talents of David Thrussel from Black Lung / Snog and Pieter Bourke from Dead Can Dance.
The music of Soma is built on the relationship and alliance between melodic/danceable structures and masses of various «found» sounds. The overall effect invokes a cascade of B‑grade psychological/horror/thrillers, spaghetti westerns, strangely political sci‑fi films and a vast volume of the finest conspiracy literature.

2) Soma is an Arabic female artist.
Her debut album is called 'Eb Alek. She is a very sweet and very talented young artist who caught the attention of one of the biggest Egyptian producers “Nasr Mahrous”.

3) Sagi Ochion, known as Soma, is a DJ and son of Momi Ochion. DJing since age 12. Amanita Muscaria released at age 15. Influenced by father, Riktam & Bansi of GMS & especially Sebastian Taylor.

4) Soma and was started in Wisconsin. Their music can be desribed as: indie, powerpop, alternative. They just recently self‑released another album, called «Back to Massachusetts».

5) Soma is from Sosnowiec(Poland). This one play something around nu‑heavy‑thrash‑metal.
The band started at this name about April '05, Those days Soma was:
Biały — drums
Mikos — bass
Kuba — rythm guitar
Przeszczep — lead guitar

There was no vocal then. In this shape they had their first concert. Around september '05 Gruby (keybord) joined the band and some time later Kuba started singing. First concert with Kuba's…читать далее ↓

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Da Habibi 2010
Поделилась: Lusen
Space To Divide In Half 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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