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Simone Tomassini

Поп, Итальянский, Рок

Simone started his career in 2004 at Sanremo Festival, with his song E’ STATO TANTO TEMPO FA. After Sanremo, Simone was the only young singer to participate to three Festivalbar legs, obtaining a big success also during the final appointment in Verona with his hit IL MONDO CHE NON C’E’. Simone played this song, one of the summer most listened success, during his italian live tour. In the same year Simone participated as guest in many TV shows and live events. Public and Press followed him during all the dates of the BUONI O CATTIVI TOUR 2004. Simone opened all Vasco Rossi Tour lives, from Rome to Catanzaro, whit the public singing his songs together with him. Once his first album GIORNI was published, the GIORNI TOUR started. In September Simone sang at the School Year Opening Ceremony. Between the end of 2004 and the beginning of 2005, in the Bollicine recording room, Simone completed his second album BUON VIAGGIO and closed the GIORNI TOUR. On march 2005, Simone accepted Simona Ventura invitation to participate to the musical reality Music Farm, achieving the third place in a competition between 11 singers. On may 27th 2005 the album BUON VIAGGIO was published. The BUON VIAGGIO TOUR started from Zocca (MO) to continue all over Italy. In 2005 too Simone opened all the appointments of Vasco Rossi BUONI O CATTIVI TOUR 2005 and participated to Festivalbar, to the 2005 Tim Tour and to many others live events organized by radio networks. Simone continued also to play music with his band in many clubs. Sold out at Alcatraz in Milan for his live on october 20th 2005. The event at Alcatraz was recorded in the dvd SIMONE LIVE 05 ALCATRAZ MILANO, one of the best sold dvd of the year. In march 2006, Simone published his third album SESSO GIOIA E ROCK ’N ROLL. In the meantime Jerry Calà choose FUORI COME UN BALCONE as sound track in his film “Vita Smeralda”. On may 2007 Simone published NIENTE DA PERDERE.The song remained 2…читать далее ↓

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Simone Tomassini 2011
Поделилась: Lusen

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