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Silvia Coleman was produced by W. Cremonini, A. Gilardi, C. Varola, and G Trivellato who was also behind the well‑known Italian projects Antares, Aladino and Jinny.
Her first single was Into The Night (Taira Taira), and was released by the Italian label Line Music.
Her vocals for the single Get On Up were later used by Prezioso for his remix released in 1993.
Then came It's Allright, written and composed by Cremonini, Gilardi and Abaribi. It was released in 1993 (ISP 1199). A vinyl remix was also released the same year (ISP 1225).
Her superhit was with no doubt All Around The World, released in 1994 under Italian Style in Italy, and Maad Records in Germany, which topped the Italian dance charts during Summer 1995. It was written and composed by Cremonini, Comes, Varola, Gilardi, and Trivellato.
During the fall of the same year they released the follow‑up Take My Breath Away, another very nice eurodance track, written by Cremonini, Comes, Varola, Gilardi, Trivellato and Tumpet. Feeling Now The Music was licensed under Maad Records in Germany.

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Deejay Time Collection Vol. 3 CD#1 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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