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1) Sharon Anegg/vocals; heimo trixner/guitar, arrangements; oliver steger/bass;
The CD „Legrand – Off The Beaten Track“, from the “Sharon Ensemble”, is a tribute to the great composer, arranger and pianist Michel Legrand. The arrangements of Heimo Trixner shed a new musical light on Legrand’s best known and most beautiful melodies – they sound more contemporary, fresher and jazziger. The guitarist, an experienced duo partner of female singers from the Vienna jazz scene, presents himself as a sensitive sideman and an excellent soloist. The singer, with her velvety, exceptional voice, interprets the songs with the moving lyrics by Alain and Marilyn Bergman in a way that is full of feeling but which avoids romantic kitsch. The wonderfully balanced Trio sound of the Ensemble is perfectly rounded off by the sensitive, stylistically versatile bass playing of Oliver Steger.

2) Sharon is a melodic rock/metal band from Germany.

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Summer Jam 2008 CD#1 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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