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Shannon Wright

Инди, Фолк

Wright moved from New York City to Chapel Hill, NC after her first band Crowsdell called it quits. While in Chapel Hill, Wright started experimenting and writing solo songs with a borrowed four‑track recorder. Wright, known for her «do‑it‑yourself punk aesthetic», received much encouragement from friends to continue making records, even though she had considered quitting. So, when a friend gave one of her four‑track recording to someone at Touch and Go/Quarterstick Records, and they offered to release her first solo record, she reconsidered her disposal of all things musical. After, the release of the 7" A tin crown for the social bash on Overcoat Records, Wright signed with Touch and Go/Quarterstick, to which she remains signed to today.
After moving from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, to Atlanta, Georgia, Wright began working on her first release on Touch and Go called FlightSafety. This album received critic acclaim for Wright's intriguing lyrics and songwriting abilities. FlightSafety consists of simple guitar and piano chord progressions with striking vocal melodies. Wright plays almost all the instruments on this release and all other releases following FlightSafety.

In 2000, Wright recorded Maps of Tacit. This album is one of Wright's most laborious recordings to date. Although critics claimed this album to be too dark and depressing after FlightSafety, it has gone on to be one of her most enduring, intimate and creative. The impassioned songs such as «Dirty Facade» and «Heavy Crown» show an insular world of uncompromising emotions and captivating vocals. On Maps of Tacit Wright's piano playing swirls in carnival like melodies, while her guitar playing on «Within the quilt of demand» dismisses its simple‑hearted past and embraces a new unique complexity all its own. Wright's recordings grew more and more «professional» sounding with more instruments and higher sound quality. 2001, brought two…читать далее ↓

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Secret Blood 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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