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Searchlight was formed in late 2005, when singer/guitarist, Adam Michaels, and bassist, Kevin Abdon, moved from Lake Havasu City AZ, to Las Vegas to start a band.
A few weeks after the move, they met drummer, Ricky Torres, and guitarist, Matt Hopkins.

The quartet began diligently writing and soon struck the interest of producer, Branden Steineckert (former drummer of The Used, and current drummer of punk legends, Rancid). Searchlight traveled to Orem, Utah and recorded a demo with Steineckert at Unknown Studios.

One song that was recorded, «Contagious», landed a spot on the Resident Evil: Extinction soundtrack and played during the ending credits of the film.

Searchlight is currently writing songs for their upcoming EP.

For a more complete bio, please visit Searchlight's MySpace page...

Описание исполнителя
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Resident Evil: Extinction 2007
Поделился: astarot

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