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— säh is rooted in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and while some members remain there, some currently reside in other areas outside the U.P.

— Most people forget that the U.P is part of Michigan and consider us part of Canada, especially downstaters. (check out some maps, and you'll probably see us drawn as part of Canada)

— säh fluctuates between a combination of two drummers and a guitar player and a standard rock trio of guitar, bass, and drums.

— säh is a living, breathing organism. Nothing is superfluous to the sound; every part, every instrument is essential and important to the whole.

— That being said, vocals are kept to a bare minimum and are used only as another instrument and not as a focal point.

— The sound itself is always evolving.

— Due to the overwhelming amount of bands who talk about «how their strength lies in their live shows,» and how «amazing» or «powerful» or «intense» their shows are (and to avoid making ridiculous comparisons), we think any attempt at describing us live would be trite and unnecessary. Plain and simple: If you're interested to know what we are like live, come out and see us.

Описание исполнителя
предоставлено сервисом last.fm


Spring Breathing Compilation 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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