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We are Rumble in Rhodos. We are a band born in Oslo in late 2003. If you haven't heard of us before, you've missed our three full‑length albums, one E.P., and more than 200 energetic indie rock shows doused with touches of no‑wave, danceable post‑punk, while accented by obtrusive underground. Last year we decided to hibernate. Our two fold focus was a third full‑length album and to regenerate our creativity with a new expression. After seven years together as a band, it was time to include other forces of inspiration to find their right direction and become communicators of a quality atmosphere. The new album, entitled Signs of Fervent Devotion, speaks to the accomplishment of our focus. With producers Erlend Mokkelbost (JR Ewing, Killl, Montée) and Anders Tjore (Montée, Turns, Apricot), Rumble in Rhodos has, without a doubt, created their best album so far. Through our wild and magical studio sessions, based on trial and error, we have consumed the winter's energy. The producers have pulled a formally exhausted musical effort to a nurtured new stage; folding each separate track's dynamics into one another in a wonderful, edgy way. We have fused a fascination of old fashioned Punk/Funk, Art Rock, 70's Prog Rock, and modern indie rock into an expression which shakes your core and gently caresses the small of your back. Signs of Fervent Devotion, is mixed by none other than Brit, Nick Terry (Klaxons, Serena Maneesh, Libertines, Franz Ferdinand). Nick has added to the already ambitious and pulsating effort, a calm and balance needed to communicate the album's ingenuity. While crafted in a cheeky and daring way, it shocks as it delivers. Rarely does such a hungry and greedy rock record from Norway, resonate so thoroughly. So, look out for this unusual breath of northern air, as Rumble in Rhodos release our third consecutive album on Tuba Records on April 8th, 2011. With a track list packed with hits and our most thoroughly crafted material to date, we have…читать далее ↓

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Signs Of Fervent Devotion 2011
Поделилась: Lusen

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