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A former major‑label talent scout with a penchant for world music, Los Angeles singer Rosey first surfaced on the Bridget Jones's Diary soundtrack with the hypnotic funk‑hop track «Love.» Rosey possesses a husky alto that sounds like a cross between Beth Orton and Fiona Apple, but her soulful debut shows no signs of the ethereality of those women, continuing instead with the hybrid of funk, hip‑hop, and rock on «Love.» Not surprisingly, the best tracks on Dirty Child can't be categorized into specific genres. The beat‑driven «Like a Dream» has Eastern‑tinged rhythms and seductive bass squiggles; «The Time» addresses female empowerment with lazy, jazzy style and funky sass; «My Baby» is a bluesy torch song that crackles like a vintage 78; and «One» is sharp, steamy trip‑hop. The lack of obvious chorus hooks makes individual songs hard to remember, yet, as with Nikka Costa, Rosey's powerful voice and flavorful originality are well worth embracing.

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Beat Hits 27 CD#1 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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