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Paul Shortino (born May 14, 1958) is a singer who has sung for several bands, including Rough Cutt/The Cutt, Quiet Riot, Bad Boyz, and Shortino. He's recorded with JK Northrup as Shortino/Northrup. He's also recorded as a solo artist. He also did the theme song for Dr. Eggman called «E.G.G.M.A.N.» in Sonic Adventure 2 for Sega (this song was later revised by Remix Factory [1] in Shadow the Hedgehog as "E.G.G.M.A.N. Doc Robeatnix Mix").

He played the character «Duke Fame» in the classic film «This Is Spinal Tap».

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Voices Of Rock II  2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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