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There are (at least) Ten artists with this name:

1) Oak is a 1970s British folk band.

2) Oak is a NS folk metal band from Holland.

3) Oak is a Japanese post‑rock band.

4) Oak is an Estonian band from the early 1990s that recorded as «ÖÄK», and mistagged tracks will show up on this page.

5) Oak is Turkish solo acoustic project which has two songs that can be listened to from Bant Magazine demo .

6) Oak is a Finnish doom metal band that has recorded one demo, «Brisingamen».

7) OAK is doom/death metal filth from Baltimore Maryland.

8) Oak is an psychedelic folk band from Burlington, Vermont.

9) Oak is a psytrance composer from Perth, Western Australia.

10) OAK, an English industrial‑metal outfit, based in the West Midlands town of Kidderminster were first formed by Nicholas Hall and Alexander Hudson in 2001 as a dark metal band. In 2004 OAK made their Industrial debut to their veteran fans, sporting a sound akin to American industrial bands such as Celldweller and Stabbing Westward, and have been largely compared to Nine Inch Nails with vocal styles holding similarities to Linkin Park.

11) Drum&Bass artist who appears on «On A Mission EP».

OAK support a sound like no other, despite baring some similarities to other bands with similar genres, they are broadly described as Industrial Nu‑Metal but carry some melodic undertones of electronica and therefore appeal to a wide audience, as they have witnessed during their impressive live gigs. They have attracted not only avid metal and Goth fans, but also people who enjoy hybrid styles of music and even fans of dance and drum and bass, attracting an even wider range of listeners.

They are currently a four‑piece band consisting of in no particular order:

Cardinal- Guitar, Synth, Programming
Kleon- Vocals, Programming
Neo- Bass, Programming
Drew- Drums, FX, Samples, Programming

OAK have played live at a wide variety of venues as well as a great number of bars and clubs…читать далее ↓

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