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Nic Harcourt


Nic Harcourt was the Music Director for Los Angeles, California‑based radio station KCRW until November 30, 2008. From 1998 through 2008, he hosted the daily Morning Becomes Eclectic radio show which features picks for the best new music spanning all genres. A weekly version of the show called Sounds Eclectic (launched in 2000) is broadcast on a number of other stations in cooperation with PRI. The shows often include live performances by bands both popular and obscure. Many artists, including Dido and Travis, have credited Harcourt for putting them on air and helping them achieve stardom. Harcourt is also credited with helping to launch Coldplay's career as well as those of Norah Jones, Pete Yorn, and David Gray. He played a demo CD by Jem which launched her singing career. He has been described by music writer Mark Weingarten as «the most influential DJ in America.»

Harcourt has recently published Music Lust, a book of «recommended listening for every mood, moment and reason.»

He was born in Birmingham, England and lived in Australia for many years before coming to the United States. Before KCRW, he worked as News Director and then Music Director at WDST in Woodstock, New York for 8 years.

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Dancechart Vol. 20 CD#2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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