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Mr Fogg is a UK‑born alternative pop artist, who made his name touring countries including Iceland — where he recorded his debut album — Lithuania and Latvia. He also played Reading Festival, Iceland Airwaves, Truck Festival, Secret Garden Party in the past and has some exciting UK shows coming up in 2010.

Mr Fogg has experimented with unusual methods of getting his music out. He uses Bandstocks, where members of the public can buy shares in the production of artists' albums, and in December 2009 he opened a 4 day only pop‑up shop, Fogg Shop, in Central London, to perform live and sell his music.

The 'Moving Parts' single single is out in early April 2010 and the album with the same title is to follow in late April. The album was recorded at Greenhouse Studios in Reykjavik, and co‑produced by long‑term Bjork‑collaborator Valgeir Sigurdsson. Mr Fogg's remixers include Rennie Pilgrem, Jakwob, Poirier, Ólafur Arnalds and Rudi Zylgadlo.

Mr Fogg had just returned from L.A, where, under the creative direction of legendary Tony Kaye (of American History X fame), he filmed a video for Moving Parts single.


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Moving Parts 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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