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Mira's real name is Stanimira Nedialkova Kostova.
She was born 22th of December in 1983 in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, and her zodiac is Capricorn.
Her first musical appearance was in 1993 as the soloist of the group «Zagorche»-in Stara Zagora.
In April 1994 took place her first appearance outside Bulgaria- a rally with the group «Zagorche» to Romania, to Hungary, to Austria, to Germany and to France.
This rally was repeated in September of the same year.
From 1997 to the end of 1999, Mira sings with big bands in public resorts in Stara Zagora.
Mira's first appearance in big scene takes place in summer 1999 during «Trakia Folk» festival.
There she sings a song «20th century» and wins the prize for the youngest performer.
Next year again she participates with a song «Stuardesa».
22th December of the year 2000 she gives out her first independent album entitled «Stuardesa».
Mira has her birthday that day too.
This album contains one of the mega‑hits of year 2001- «Letvata». Also show up songs «Na syn i na yave», «Sladyk griah», «Pismo» and «Za teb jivea».
During March of 2002 appears her second album «Hei, malkata» entitled with namesake hit of the year 2002 with Milko Kalaidjiev.
Promotion takes place 5th March in 2002 in restaurant «Prikazkite» in the outskirts of Harmanli.
The album has great succes and songs «Hei, malkata», «Vatman», «Shte sgresha», « Zalichi sledite» become hits.
Mira participates in Milko Kalaijiev's album «Evropeec» with songs «Hei, malkata», «Sladka» and «Moma Irina», which album appears to market during April of year 2002.
Mira and Milko Kalaijiev start to carry out many concerts together and because of their numerous fans' wishes they give out a joint album «Tarikat i Tarikatka».
Promotion takes…читать далее ↓

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Всё У Вас Сбудется 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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