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«to create is divine — to reproduce is human» (man ray)
many listeners will have expectations about this release as Mika Goedrijk is well‑known as the mastermind of projects such as this morn' Omina, project arctic and Pow(d)er pussy.
what you are about to hear illustrates Mika's decision to form a 'brand new' project (which is named perfectly).
Pellicules (films) highlights previously unrecognized facets of Mika's
musical self‑conception. this album accentuates prior subsurface
appearances of technoid intelligent dance music structures,
catchy impulsive beats, melodic soundscapes and (unpredictable)
tribal elements. for this project mika goedrijk left out
oriental mysticism for occidental accuracy — the result is
conclusive evidence that a pretend 'misfortune' can turn into a
valuable work of electronic art.

«a man is the sum of his misfortunes» (william faulkner)
or is he? while musing (somewhere late December 2007) on why a
cinematographer (before the digital age) cuts away parts of his
visual creation and lets the Pellicules drop on the floor (never
to look at them again), have them burned or simply let them
gather dust in some archive. as if he is unsatisfied with the
result and is technologically unable to recreate anything on the
fabric of the Pellicule. i decided to go back to what i
considered to be my Pellicules, face them and recreate them as
there was still a spark of life in them upon closer inspection.
it was an arduous task but nevertheless a pleasant one at times.
marcel proust was the main inspiration:
"...for you are not even a person, a clearly defined entity,
imperfect but at least perfectible" (from 'swann in love')...
this particular sentence ignited the spark to (re)create) -
other interesting guides in this endeavour were faulkner,
derrida, foucault and man ray. although the above seem to be
irreconcilable at first sight, they are not.
so here you have it, my personal pellicules. discarded as they
were seen as…читать далее ↓

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Mika Goedrijk — Pellicules 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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