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Its been a Short And Sweet 14 years since three crazy barnyard hooligans known as the MCRACKINS were hatched onto the international punk scene with the release of their official debut full‑length album What Came First? on Shredder Records in the U.S.A. Although many were at first skeptical of Vancouver, Canadas mysterious and strange looking pop‑punk trio, the 1995 album turned out to be a surprise hit from an unknown band who claimed to have been transformed from men to 2 eggs and a dog and given super pop‑punk powers as the result of a freak nuclear accident. Since then, twin eggs Bil (guitar,vocals), Fil (bass) and dog Spot (drums) have continued to amaze, astound and win over music critics and fans alike while building a cult‑like following around the world due to the prolific release of 13 great full‑length albums,E.Ps, singles, and compilation cds too numerous to mention. All told over 100,000 in sales worldwide.

It is a well‑known joke (or yolk if you will) that their discography reads like the rap sheet of a seasoned criminal, as they have had over 200 songs released by over 30 different record labels around the planet as approximately 70 separate releases. With sporadic touring throughout their native Canada and the U.S.A up until that point, 1996 saw the band take their hilarious and fun filled live show across the pond to Europe. Dubbed the European Eggvasion, the MCRACKINS destroyed 7 countries and even found time to record some live electric and acoustic sessions for the BBC. The years have also seen the band make of a few music videos, which have received light to medium rotation on music channels in Canada,U.S.A and Europe, an appearance in a Molson Canadian beer television commercial, a cameo role in a feature motion picture Downhill Willy, and various television and radio features.

Their 12th cd Bat Out Of Shell, was released worldwide in the fall of 2006 by the fine folks at Wynona Records. It contains 12 new ear buzzin toons with enough hooks…читать далее ↓

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It Ain’t Over Easy 2010
Поделилась: Lusen

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