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A symphonic black metal band from Mexico. They started in the early 90s as a black metal band. They were first called Nasav and released all their demos under that name. They later changed their name to Magan and released an EP in 2004. They use keyboards to create an interesting, dark and mystic atmosphere (notable use of church organs is made). Vocals and guitars (acoustic guitars are used as well) are fast and catchy. Their release (Nathicana) is quite rare and limited to a rather small number of copies.


*2004 — Nathicana (EP)

Track list:

01 — The Dreamland of Nathicana
02 — To the Northside of Inquanok
03 — The Steel of My Sword
04 — Black Litany of Nug and Yeb 

Описание исполнителя
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Dance Power 16 CD#2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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