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Maduar biography:

1986 — 1993

* 1 Aug 1986 — the band is formed, original names — Hurikán, Atlantic, Adept
* Aug 1986 — Sep 1987 — rehearsing first own songs in the flat of the Matyinkos, looking for a fourth member for the post of a guitar player (Roland Kelemen, Peter Strečka, Erik Aresta)
* Sep 1987 — inviting Erik Aresta to the band, re‑naming it to MADUAR — MAtyinkó, DUlovič, AResta
* 22 Jan 1988 — first concert in Klub mladých in Rimavská Sobota
* Feb 1988 — Sep 1990 — concerts, partaking in regional (Signál 89, Gemerská ruža 89) as well as efforts to enter national music contests (Rocklet Tamtami 88, Bystrické zvony 90)
* Oct 1990 — April 1991 — temporal break in the activities of the band — Laco Dulovič entering the army for his military duty, Laco Matyinkó attending university in Bratislava, Erik Aresta attending university in Nitra, Juraj Matyinkó staying in Rimavská Sobota
* April 1991 — renewal of the activities of the band by the three members following the return of Laco Dulovič from his military service and Laco Matyinko from college to Rimavská Sobota, Laco Matyinkó buys the first synthetizer in his life
* May 1991 — June 1992 — performing on stage again and participating in competitions in the region
* autumn 1991 — the most significant event to make an important impact on the further development of the band — buying a ATARI 1040 STFM computer
* June 1992 — return of Erik to the band as an additional member
* 20 Nov 1992 — participating in the first competition outside the region of Rimavská Sobota — Košický zlatý poklad, the band is playing on air in the radio for the first time (Slovenský rozhlas / Slovak Radio) as well as on the TV screen (Slovak Television)
* 14 Dec 1992 — last live performance with own background music arrangement, start of the computer era of Maduar — focusing on production of commercial disco music with the aim of…читать далее ↓

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Радиохит 2007 Vol.42 2007
Поделился: astarot

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