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To find a more crazy and self confident man, you will probably need to leave this galaxy in your search! Is Machoman a typical Danish/Swedish smash hit act? YES! Is Machoman a typical up‑tempo happy‑music kind of act? YES! Is Machoman a typical artist that we are used to? Sorry but…..NO!

Machoman’s music has “up‑to‑date attitude” with a powerful macho concept and great hit songs. Imagine the most crazy and self‑confident man in the world writing his own words of his macho life and presenting it to us with 10 super macho songs! Machoman is a man living in his own world called Macholand. There is only one citizen there, and that is himself.

Machoman was born to walk the walk and talk the talk! In his macho world every single girl wants him and is fighting to get close to him. Machoman is in a perfect age to satisfy and please whomever gets lucky to be picked by him. He believes his parents were Adam and Eve, so he is pretty sure, he is “the chosen macho‑one!”

Описание исполнителя
предоставлено сервисом last.fm


Радиохит 2007 Vol.41 2007
Поделился: astarot

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