
Поделиться альбомом

Love orchestra is a sensitive romantic band. From Republic of San Marino Love orchestra is a new age & tribal band too. Love orchestra is a continuation that I call my very important official experience, The Cream Puff. Love orchestra is: Luke (vocal, guitar, keyboards, synthesizer & producer), Tony (percussion, bass machine), Roxy (back ground vocals), Sam (drums), Chris (additional drums on studio) Lee & Paul (additional instruments on tour). Discography: “Atto II” (2004); Various program, For a woman Atto II, Good desire, I’m a lonely man, J. Song, Katrina, Noi. “The Cream Puff tribute” (2005); Tribal dance, I am, Dreaming. A new radio single “Love orchestra feat Helta him” (2006); My love is.

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Dream Music 2007
Поделилась: Lusen

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