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There are three Artists by the name of Lone. The first is a solo producer of electronic soundscapes. He has released his debut album Everything is Changing Colour on vu‑us. Eventually he signed to Dealmaker Records and released Lemurian on 1st September 2008. His music is described as «kaleidoscopic, shimmering hip‑hop instrumentals that fill your ears with warm nostalgia and sails you away into a nebulae of opiated psychedelia».
In 2009 Ecstasy & Friends came out on Werk Discs.
You can listen to his music at www.myspace.com/lonemusic.

The second is a belgian based alternative rock band made up of guitarist‑singer Sacha Delone,drummer Paolo de la Croix, guitarist Antoine Paterka and bassist Michael Magalon.
The band was formed in 2002.
Lone's music is often classified as alternative rock.
Listen to 4 songs on www.myspace.com/lonemusik

The third is a japanese alternative rock indie band.

Описание исполнителя
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Galaxy Garden 2012
Поделилась: Lusen
Echolocations 2011
Поделилась: Lusen
Emerald Fantasy Tracks 2010
Поделилась: Lusen
Lone — Lemurian 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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