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Though Kris has only wandered on this planet since December 1986, he already achieved to play in more countries and produce/remix for finer artists and labels than most DJs will in a lifetime.

Known and complimented by promoters worldwide for his unique style in electronic dance music, flawless mixing skills and infectious enthusiasm and energy behind the DJ booth, Kris is definately among the finest and fastest rising talents to come out of Scandinavia.

Currently busy visiting clubs, producing music and doing radio on the danish division of Europe's biggest radionetwork; NRJ, this young dane will not be possible to get rid of in the future!

Описание исполнителя
предоставлено сервисом last.fm


Kris O'Neil — WTF 173 [2010–02–16] 2010
Поделился: Firdima

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