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To call Kopek a return to rock & roll brilliance would be the minimum praise deserved of a band that has definitely put in their 10,000 hours. For Kopek, success is not only well deserved, but is virtually mathematically inevitable.

The Irish trio has a history that stretches back a decade. Drummer Shane Cooney and bassist Brad Kinsella grew up as next‑door neighbors in Dublin, and through their shared love of classic and modern rock music, quickly decided that rock stardom was their ticket to bigger and better things. “We listened to all the old stuff, The Stones, Hendrix, The Doors, Zeppelin, amazing bands where you can hear the energy,” recalls Cooney.

The first singer who answered their ad in a local musician’s magazine turned out to be the golden voiced Daniel Jordan, and from there Kopek, average age 15, was born.

Early gigs in and around Dublin included many a battle of the bands contests, which the boys won with studied regularity. Contest spoils were often in the form of equipment, which gave the new band an even bigger leg up on the competition. “The first thing we won was a backline and we’ve never had to buy any gear since,” the lucky drummer adds.

From 2002 to 2009 Kopek toured relentlessly, and continued to win competitions. Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and multiple U.S. visits were all ticked off the list; it was an experience that not only enhanced their musical chops but also influenced their societal world view. A world view that in turn influenced their debut album.

“White Collar Lies was inspired by the corruption and loss of life we see continuously in our world today, so much so that we have become numb and disconnected from each other. The album is an attempt to draw attention to this and maybe change some peoples’ ideas, or at least give them a push in the right direction,” explains Jordan.

Indeed, the album bristles with subject matter that will immediately galvanize the…читать далее ↓

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White Collar Lies 2011
Поделилась: Lusen

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