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Julie Thompson has always been heavily influenced by the varying rock genres in music over the last 3 decades. Although her natural versatile voice and honest songwriting style has always retained poppy melodic sensibilities, her roots vary, encompassing mid 70’s to early eighties alternative rock, the Seattle grunge era and early nineties alternative movement right up to today’s with a little electronic influence displayed by the of which she However the colourful character to her voice led her also down paths within the country scene which she learned to love very much during the early experimental periods of her musical life. The level of influence of these periods can be sometimes heard within her music and indefinable singing style.

The magic of Julie’s musical journey was that through shear determination and perseverance she finally found like minded musicians and producers who could instinctively realize Julie’s ideas. This immediate musical connection gave her the inner confidence, whilst writing, to incorporate and experiment with certain aspects of the genres of music she had fallen in love with since a child. This invaluable connection inspires her to continue exploring knew directions with every new song she writes during her ongoing development. Her open minded, free spirited approach to music means she is continually keen to profoundly explore the possibilities of crossing styles within her ability as not to stick to a specific genre and limit the creativity. Julie, during one interview explaining the musical process said “Whilst working with so many individual characters I tend just to allow the music to flow in whichever direction it takes and not to restrict any person’s influence on the song but to let them run with it. This is why it makes it so much fun to work with different characters that offer their own individual style dictated by their personal influences. This is the beauty of collaborating in this way…читать далее ↓

Описание исполнителя
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Julie Thompson‑Shine‑WEB‑2010 2010
Поделился: Vadima
Elements Of Life 2007
Поделился: astarot

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