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Jolly Jumper from Bandung, Indonesia. they cool enough in Indonesia. for everyone do not know about indonesian music here we are..... I hope you enjoy listening it..
Band Members:
• Aldy Emeraldy K. guitar
• Andry Teguh F. drums
• Bonny Windra P. voices
• Chandra Arsanto bass
• Lucky Mizunata guitar
General Manager:
Samping Management
Booking Agent:
Press Contact:
Artists We Also Like:
«Anything, ranging from '90s alt/indie rock to post‑punk and some elements of post rock, with some pop sensibilities, and we try to sound like that too by the way.»
Every band has a process of creativity to form while backlashing and trying to counter the mainstream with their own choices of idealism. the guys at Jolly Jumper is very open‑minded about their own musical differences and influences. Formed in the early 2002, Jolly Jumper tried to create a mixture between the harshnest of post‑hardcore and the melodies of indie‑rock and we call it simply, rock music. feel free to listen and download our songs at this my space page, we will upload more and more songs soon.

Each song is different. There is not one way or set rule that we follow. All five of us do the writing. Sometimes it's one person that has an idea for a…читать далее ↓

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Beat Hits Vol.30 CD#2 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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