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John Herberman

Эмбиент, New Age

John Herberman brings a unique perspective to television, film, commercial and recorded music. Having immersed himself in numerous musical traditions from Pop to Orchestral, Country, Celtic and World music — John has fused diverse and eclectic influences into a coherent compositional approach. Drawing from a wide range of experience in comedic, dramatic and documentary productions, he has developed a solid scoring sense which he brings to each new project.

Well known as an Orchestrator, Conductor, and Composer, some of John's best known credits include the TV series, «Once Upon a Hamster», «Queen of Swords», and in 1999, he orch‑estrated and provided additional music to the CBS miniseries, «Joan of Arc» starring Peter O'Toole.

John also carries with him a substantial educational background. With degrees in Music and Education from the University of Toronto, he was trained in composition and orchestration with the late Gordon Delamont, and completed graduate work in Film Scoring and Arranging at the Eastman School of Music. A published composer of performance music, he has written for and conducted both classical and jazz ensembles.

Awarded five Gold Albums and one Platinum, John has also received three JUNO nominations for «Best Instrumental Album».

For the last 20 years, John has been cultivating creative partnerships, bringing together composers, performers and some of the best recording engineers in Canada.

Located in the loft of a turn‑of‑the‑century home near picturesque High Park in downtown Toronto, Canada, Composers Music Production produces scores and tracks in accordance with its commitment to the highest artistic standards.

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John Herberman — Piano Dream 2006
Поделилась: Lusen

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