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Jodie Aysha was born in Leeds, West Yorkshire UK, at the age of 11 years she published her first poem, which she picked up an award.

The song, titled Heartbroken, was written by Jodie Aysha at the tender age of 14 for her older sister, who broke up with her boy friend. The original Heartbroken can be found on You Tube and on her myspace.

Jodie Aysha is a member of BEBO, MYSPACE and FACEBOOK SO YOU SHOULD ADD HER!

Jodie is currently 19 years old, she also writes songs for SONY ATV and they love her work! She is a secret weapon !

With the voice of an angle ! and the looks to boot!

Описание исполнителя
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Now Thats What I Call Music 69 CD#1 2008
Поделилась: Lusen
Tuning Hitz CD#1 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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