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There are at least 3 artists with the name Jason:

— Jason is a german rapper from Essen/Germany.

— hardcore from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

— Jason is a Heavy Metal band from Argentina.

The band JASON — formed in September ’97 in Rio de Janeiro — released their first CD «Odeia Eu» in 1998. D.I.Y. is very important for the band, so they released it on Tamborete Entertainment, the guitar‑players label which also carries bands like ROT or GANGRENA GASOSA.
This record contains 18 songs of pure hardcore rock, influenced by great brazilian bands like Cólera, Replicantes, Garotos Podres, Inocentes, Ratos de Porão and DFC.

In January 2000 the band recorded 19 new songs for their second album, «Eu sou quase fã de mim mesmo» and one song for a compilation with 79 Brazilian bands with one‑minute songs.
In 2001 the band made their first [of three] european tour, this happened from March 23th till June 12th in 12 european countries with 62 shows. The tour diary stories became a book, written by the guitar‑player. In 2002 the band released the third cd «eu, tu, denis» with 18 songs on it. JASON are one of the most established hardcore‑bands in brazil and loads of concerts through the whole country made them very important for the local punk/hardcore‑scene.
In 2007 the band released their fourth album, called «regressão», that was readily acclaimed by the fans and press as one of the best albuns of the year.

JASON play very fast and hyper‑energetic old school Hardcore, but in the the last two albuns they also put more progressive‑rock elements in their music with beautiful melodies, hysterical screamo‑parts and weird, rhythmical arrangements. All the lyrics are in portuguese language and they are “not really” positive. as you load their homepage you can already see what JASON are about: one after another the words „nasce“ [be born!], „sofre“ [suffer!], «morre» [die!]…читать далее ↓

Описание исполнителя
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The Best Pop Opera 2009 2009
Поделилась: Lusen


Tanecni Liga 103 2008
Поделилась: Lusen

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