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Beginnings & The Early Years
Dave Cureton and Adam Gough have been good friends since they met in school when they were 12 years old.
Being 2 of a very small class of just 4 music students in their year, they worked together a great deal in composing, arranging and performing pieces for their GCSE coursework.
Through the good and the bad songs, their writing partnership strengthened and by the time they were 15, they were composing and performing their own music at small local venues with a band made up of their friends and relatives.
Many band members came and went through the years, each bringing their own styles and influence to Dave and Adam's work, but the one constant has been Dave's brother and the greatest living drummer from Kingshurt, Birmingham... Mr Richard Cureton.

Genesis: IOEarth
It was in 2004 that Dave and Adam decided to start working on their first studio album, IOEarth.
They explored the idea of creating an entire album based upon this theme and soon had the first set of songs written. They took these ideas to the recording studio where they met Miguel Seco, a very talented musical engineer and producer from Portugal. Within a few weeks, the 5 tracks had been recorded and they started work on the next set of songs.

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IOEarth — Ioearth 2009
Поделилась: Lusen

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