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Identity is a duo of producers, Vini BTK and Jonny CBX, each bringing their own talents and fresh sounds to Drum & Bass taken the steps needed to learn to follow vibes and ideas through an online merging of their home studios. In a lot of respects the Identity sound is truly a yearning for the merging of the dance floor vibe so prevalent in current Drum & Bass and a twisted mix of techno influences into their sound.

Never one has to be tired of Identity has proved his ability to switch between genres with easy as evident in their techno projects and other innovative productions, their determination to smash down the boundries that have long been separating underground music styles grows with every track that is created.

Описание исполнителя
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Sander van Doorn — Identity 16 (03–11–2009) 2009
Поделился: NRJman
Disciples of the Unreal 2006
Поделился: astarot

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